Code Like A BOSS

1st Semester: October 8th - Dec. 22th

2nd Semester: January 7th - May 25th

  • Section 1 - Teens 13-17yrs: Tuesday & Thursday 4:00pm-5:00pm (on Zoom)

  • Section 2 - Youth 7-12yrs: Tuesday & Thursday 5:30pm-6:30pm (on Zoom)

  • Labs : Oct. 21st, Dec. 2nd, Jan. 6th, March 2nd, March 30th (in-person College of Engineering/CSULB)

Algorithm & Flow classes in action!


BOSS (Business of Student Success) joins Faithworks Compton’s: Algorithm & Flow coding instructors to deliver a next generation software development opportunity. This class is for aspiring coders (ages 7-17) who want to, one day, author killer-apps on mobile or the cloud. 

Zoom Workshops

This course introduces core coding concepts and tools. We’ll use the PlayCanvas platform to create 3D interactive content and explore visual programming with Scratch. Coders will get experience writing Python as well as the Java language syntax. All of our development platforms are web-based tools. So, it doesn’t matter if you are a Windows or macOS user.

In-Person Labs

Let’s build some circuits! In addition to getting exposed to software, we will dive into some hardware concepts. Students will build and test digital circuits, on a web-based simulator. Then we will meet, in-person, to wire-up the digital circuit projects on a physical circuit board.


Youth Group (ages 7-12)

Our youngest students will create 4 projects with Scratch, the popular visual development platform from MIT. They will also be introduced to a 3D game dev tool called Playcanvas to learn a few modern gamer techniques. Every working computer scientist knows how to navigate a UNIX-based operating system. It’s the text-base interface displayed in every Hollywood hacker movie! Our coders will experience this environment while hacking together Java code and testing the software revision system ca, GitHub.

Semester One

  • Ping Pong (Scratch)

  • Dino Defense (Scratch)

  • Bubble Eater Part 1 (Scratch)

  • Bubble Eater Part 2 (Scratch)

  • HTML Intro (CodePen)

  • Python Syntax 1

  • Java Syntax 1

  • GitHub(Google Shell)

  • Circuits Intro (circuit board)

Semester TWO

  • Ball Roller Part 1 (PlayCanvas)

  • Ball Roller Part 2 (PlayCanvas)

  • Flappy Bird (Scratch)

  • Street Fighter (Scratch)

  • Street Fighter (Scratch)

  • CSS Intro (CodePen)

  • JavaScript Intro (CodePen)

  • Python Syntax 2

  • Java Syntax 2

  • LED Circuit (circuit board)

TEEN Group (ages 13-17)

Our teen coders get warmed up with a visual coding project on Scratch. We then shift focus to Playcanvas, a 3D game developer platform capable of real-time character animation and game publishing. Next, we enter the exciting world of interactive web content with CodePen (an HTML, CSS and JavaScript environment). Lastly, our students will get to see how to wire-up hardware circuits via an on-line simulator. All of our students (both young and teen) will be exposed to the UNIX-based operating system. They will recognize this popular text-based interface from the hacker sequence of their favorite Hollywood movie. Our coders will experience this environment while hacking together Java code and testing the software revision system called GitHub.

Semester One

  • Ping Pong (Scratch)

  • Bubble Eater Part 1 (Scratch)

  • Bubble Eater Part 2 (Scratch)

  • HTML/CSS/JS Intro (CodePen)

  • Street Fighter (Scratch)

  • PlayCanvas Intro (PlayCanvas)

  • Star Explorer (Scratch)

  • Form Validation (CodePen)

  • Circuit Simulation (web-based)

  • Python Syntax 1

  • Java Syntax 1

  • Circuits Intro (circuit board)

Semester TWO

  • Animation Part 1 (PlayCanvas)

  • Animation Part 2 (PlayCanvas)

  • Flappy Bird (Scratch)

  • Snake Game (CodePen)

  • Ball Roller Part 1 (PlayCanvas)

  • Ball Roller Part 2 (PlayCanvas)

  • SquareSpinner (CodePen)

  • Star Explorer (Play Canvas)

  • Github (Google Shell)

  • Python Syntax 2

  • Java Syntax 2

  • Driver Motor (web-based)

  • RBG LED (circuit board)

  • 7 Seg. Display (circuit board)

Teen Group (13-17)


Kwesi Davis

Kwesi Davis graduated from the Ivy League institution Brown University with a BA in Electrical Engineering and earned a Masters in Film & Television from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. He has worked as a software developer in the video game, commercial effects and feature animation industries. He currently writes software for animators at Walt Disney Animation Studios.

Chris Jimenez

Before coming to Algorithm & Flow, Chris Jimenez studied computer science at California State University Monterey. Previously, he worked with KIPP SoCal Public Schools administering an after-school program where he helped maintain a creative, nurturing and safe learning environment.